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Senior Researcher

Short Bio

Dr. Giannis Kanakis graduated from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2011. His Diploma thesis concerned the experimental investigation of Mode-Locked Lasers in Optical Time Division Multiplexing systems. He received his PhD in 2021 from the Photonics Communications Research Laboratory (PCRL) of NTUA, working on the development and experimental evaluation of Photonic Integrated Circuits and modules for intra-datacenter interconnects and HPCs. His research interests lie on the development of Photonic Integrated Circuits for next generation Datacenter interconnects, metropolitan and access networks as well as Software Defined photonic subsystems. He has been actively involved in in several collaborative projects in FP7 (MIRAGE, SPIRIT and ORCHESTRA) and H2020 (QAMeleon, TWILIGHT and PICaboo). Dr. Giannis Kanakis is the author or co-author of more than 30 publications in journals and presentations in reputable optical fiber technology conferences.

Research Areas

System and component level design of photonic structures and systems, PICs for datacenter interconnects, metropolitan networks and PONs, Software Defined Networks.